Alireza Taghdarreh left a comment on a post Walking 1-15 in the group
General Discussion: 3 years ago
Being part and parcel of Nature imprisons man and reduces him to a limited and lower level of existence. In Nature, Emerson rises above nature and says, ““Every spirit builds itself a house; and beyond its ho […]
Alireza Taghdarreh left a comment on a post Walking 1-15 in the group
General Discussion: 3 years, 3 months ago
[Half the walk is but retracing our steps.]
It was this far reaching vision of Henry Thoreau who brought him to my literature and culture in Iran. I am Thoreau’s Iranian translator. Thoreau did not wish to […]
Alireza Taghdarreh left a comment on a post Where I Lived, And What I Lived For 1-12 in the group
General Discussion: 5 years, 1 month ago
I have been speaking about Thoreau with American scholars for almost 15 years. You put it very beautifully: “Communication is not a physical item, but it is something that can be shared between two people.” For 15 […]
Alireza Taghdarreh replied to the topic From Ali, Thoreau's translator in Iran in the forum
Translating Thoreau 5 years, 1 month ago
Dear Gaetano, It was one of my dreams to speak with other translators of Walden across the world. I am thankful to Dr. Sacht for providing this opportunity for us. Thank you very much for your very kind words about me. Thoreau was a great inspiration in my life.
Is it possible for you to read a passage from Walden in Italian for me? I would ve…[Read more]
Alireza Taghdarreh started the topic From Ali, Thoreau's translator in Iran in the forum
Translating Thoreau 5 years, 1 month ago
I am very glad and thankful for being invited to this group. I have been studying and analyzing Walden for almost 15 years. I have many notes and comments I would love to share. I would also love to hear from other Thoreau translators across the globe. I had always dreamed of such a discussion between Thoreau’s translators in different l…[Read more]
Alireza Taghdarreh joined the group
Translating Thoreau 5 years, 1 month ago
Alireza Taghdarreh left a comment on a post Economy 1-14 in the group
General Discussion: 5 years, 1 month ago
Had it not been for the wonders of Technology I would not have been able to study Thoreau from Iran. Technology made it possible to connect to Thoreau scholars in the US and and use their knowledge and wisdom to […]
Alireza Taghdarreh left a comment on a post The Village in the group
General Discussion: 5 years, 9 months ago
Every day or two I strolled to the village to hear some of the gossip which is incessantly going on there, circulating either from mouth to mouth, or from newspaper to newspaper, and which, taken in homœopathic […]
Raina Schoen Thomas and
Alireza Taghdarreh are now friends 6 years, 3 months ago
Alireza Taghdarreh left a comment on a post Spring 1-13 in the group
General Discussion: 6 years, 9 months ago
Long before leaves appear on trees, they reveal themselves in sands to Thoreau. To him sands and stones are as alive as leaves and trees. It seems to me that Thoreau is watching what Emerson called the Oversoul […]
Alireza Taghdarreh left a comment on a post Spring 1-13 in the group
General Discussion: 6 years, 9 months ago
Jayant, I had a terribly difficult time translating this particular passage. I remember that, through a scholar friend in Japan and another in Korea, I even looked at the way the Japanese and Korean translators […]
Alireza Taghdarreh left a comment on a post SIM 46-50 in the group
General Discussion: 6 years, 10 months ago
[ Leave a comment on paragraph 48 0 I walk toward one of our ponds; but what signifies the beauty of nature when men are base?]
According to Muslim rules, every Muslim is required to wash his or her hands, […]
Alireza Taghdarreh commented on the page, on the site Walking 7 years, 1 month ago
I believe, as is Thoreau’s habit in writing, he has different but close meanings in mind. I think “for” in “for nature” can carry all the following meanings:
12. in favor of; on the side of: to be for […]
Alireza Taghdarreh left a comment on a post Title Page – 1862 in the group
General Discussion: 7 years, 3 months ago
Are there going to be discussions on walking here? Like Walden?
Alireza Taghdarreh left a comment on a post Where I Lived, And What I Lived For 1-12 in the group
General Discussion: 7 years, 3 months ago
We are having a wonderful time with Thoreau in our discussion groups in Iran. We find this to be an extremely subtle sentence: “It was not so much within doors as behind a door where I sat” First, it shows that […]
Alireza Taghdarreh left a comment on a post Where I Lived, And What I Lived For 1-12 in the group
General Discussion: 7 years, 4 months ago
Henrik, I can’t tell you how happy I am to be among you and read your comment. Forgive me for my late reply. My decade long journey in Walden has only added to a sweet sense of amazement and wondering. Walden […]
Alireza Taghdarreh left a comment on a post Where I Lived, And What I Lived For 1-12 in the group
General Discussion: 7 years, 4 months ago
Thoreau is a great admirer of the Greek mythology, but his admiration is not absolute. His critical spirit reaches even this part of the Greek culture. I believe that the sentence “I never heard what compensation […]
Paul Schacht and
Alireza Taghdarreh are now friends 7 years, 4 months ago
Alireza Taghdarreh left a comment on a post Where I Lived, And What I Lived For 1-12 in the group
General Discussion: 7 years, 5 months ago
It should be remembered that when T says, “it surpassed my arithmetic to tell, if I was that man who had ten cents, or who had a farm, or ten dollars, or all together.” He is doing this whole calculation using […]
Alireza Taghdarreh left a comment on a post Where I Lived, And What I Lived For 1-12 in the group
General Discussion: 7 years, 5 months ago
We have an ongoing discussion on this chapter in Iran based on my Persian translation. It is hard for us to imagine that Thoreau is merely referring to early adulthood by the phrase “at a certain season of our […]
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