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  • Comment on Sounds 1-11 by Paul Schacht
    Posted in: TSAG 2024 Workshop https://youtu.be/aL8ygj3_NlQ?si=R3dE95NMUK5KvQ_a
  • Comment on Sounds 1-11 by Paul Schacht
    Posted in: American Transcendentalism Ind Study [confined to books,] https://youtu.be/aL8ygj3_NlQ?si=R3dE95NMUK5KvQ_a
  • Comment on Economy 98-111 by Kathy Fedorko
    Posted in: TSAG 2024 Workshop [The philanthropist too often surrounds mankind with the remembrance of his own cast-off griefs as an atmosphere, and calls it sympathy. ] Does anyone know what he means by this? That the philanthropist only cares about his own "griefs," which skews his perspective of others?
  • Comment on Higher Laws by Chris Sheldrick
    Posted in: TSAG 2024 Workshop I agree, and I also wonder about the ethical implications of actively finding beauty in things outside of day-to-day society. For Thoreau, did this create space to see slavery as he did, and to choose not to pay his poll tax?
  • Comment on Sounds 1-11 by Kathryn Dolan
    Posted in: TSAG 2024 Workshop In reply to Kathleen Kelly. Interesting!