Shelbey Rosengarten’s Comp2 class at St. Petersburg College. Avatar photo credit: Saint Petersburg College Downtown Center – Northwest Corner, by John O'Neill / CC BY-SA
Heidi Serrano’s 2019-20 students at Horace Greeley High School.
Avatar credit: ”Horace Greeley in the woods at his Chappaqua farm,” 1869. George G. Rockwood [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Stephen Siperstein’s 2019-20 classes in American literature and Environmental literature at Choate Rosemary Hall. Photo credit: Daderot at English Wikipedia. [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Associate Professor of English Berniece Alspach’s course at California Baptist University. Avatar photo credit: Aaron Lemen, via Wikimedia Commons
Students in Section 4 of ENGL 203 at SUNY Geneseo in Fall 2018. ENGL 203, Reader and Text, is the introduction to the English major at Geneseo. Each section has its own subtitle. Ours is ”Fluid Readers, Fluid […]
Literature and Literary Study in the Digital Age at SUNY Geneseo, Spring 2019
Thomas Chevrier’s 12th-grade English class in Nevers, France. Avatar photo credit: ”Nevers Pont sur la Loire Cathédrale Saint Cyr et Sainte Julitte” by Daniel VILLAFRUELA on Wikimedia Commons. [CC BY-SA 4.0]
The RT panel of experts comprises scholars, critics, and editors who have studied Thoreau’s works in depth and have been invited by the RT editorial board to contribute annotations and engage one another in […]
Students at SUNY Geneseo reading Walden and building a replica of Thoreau’s cabin on campus.
Stephen Siperstein’s 2019 classes in American Literature and Environmental Literature at Choate Rosemary Hall. Photo of Paul Mellon Humanities Center at Choate Rosemary Hall by Daderot [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons
Steven Marsden’s students in ENG 331 American Romantic/Transcendental Literature at Stephen F. Austin State University. Avatar from a photo by Michael Barera [CC BY-SA 4.0 , CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], from Wikimedia Commons
Some of us who teach Thoreau in high school, university, or other courses are talking to each other in the margins of Thoreau’s works, writing about how we teach Thoreau, and building a repository of teaching materials.
Students in SUNY Geneseo Humanities sections reading Thoreau. Linked to the Open Humanities group at English @ SUNY Geneseo.
Avatar: Pandora Opening the Box, from Art and Picture Collection, The New York Public […]
Prof. Anne Bruder’s ENG 200 course at Berea College.
Avatar photo credit: IMCBerea College (06Quad-3) CC-BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
Students at Horace Greeley High School doing independent study on American Transcendentalism with Heidi Serrano.
Group avatar photo credit: See page for author [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Jerome Tharaud’s class on the American Renaissance at Brandeis University.
Avatar photo credit: Mike Lovett GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
Heidi Serrano’s 2017-18 students at Horace Greeley High School.
Photo: Horace Greeeley (public domain) via Wikimedia Commons. From the Hoxie Collection. Source: Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs […]
Stephen Siperstein’s 2018 American Literature class at Choate Rosemary Hall. Photo Credit: Daderot (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Students reading Thoreau at Willamette University with Professor and Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs Carol S. Long, and Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students Ed Whipple.
Students in Schacht and Schleef’s Fall 2017 COPLACDigital course Into the Woods. We’re thinking about questions of community and sustainability in physical and virtual spaces.