Noah Lieberman left a comment on a post Conclusion 1-9 in the group
General Discussion: 4 years, 10 months ago
This is something I’ve been thinking a lot about recently stuck in the same place for so long. I’ve been trying to think more about how my perspective is formed. As I look into the motivations of Thoreau himself […]
Noah Lieberman left a comment on a post Higher Laws in the group
General Discussion: 4 years, 10 months ago
Thoreau thinking about the way people take offense to discussion of fundamental bodily functions is a very modern and current topic within present day social discussion. It makes sense for Thoreau to think this […]
Noah Lieberman left a comment on a post Higher Laws in the group
General Discussion: 4 years, 11 months ago
I find it interesting though not all that surprising that Thoreau holds some unorthodox views for his time on matters of ethical consumption. His focus on isolation, self dependence, and non-harm seems at odds […]
Noah Lieberman left a comment on a post Higher Laws in the group
General Discussion: 4 years, 12 months ago
In the fluid text edition, we can see the way in which Thoreau amends this passage by incorporating significance within the human experience. It is interesting to me that he makes this revision because of the way […]
Noah Lieberman left a comment on a post Higher Laws in the group
General Discussion: 5 years ago
This passage, about how a young man first experiences the forest and nature struck a chord with me as I have been walking the grounds of my childhood home. Returning to a place I had not planned to as an older man […]
Noah Lieberman left a comment on a post The Ponds 1-17 in the group
General Discussion: 5 years ago
It is interesting how despite the importance Thoreau places in his own ability to live by his own terms and without interference from society, he can still find harmony with the company of others. He seems to […]
Noah Lieberman joined the group
General Discussion 5 years ago
Noah Lieberman became a registered member 5 years ago