Caroline Crimmins left a comment on a post Sounds 1-11 in the group
General Discussion: 5 years ago
Thoreau was very lucky to have this disconnected experience by Walden pond. In paragraph five of “Sounds,” Thoreau talks about the birds that fly past his window. He writes, “As I sit at my window this summe […]
Caroline Crimmins left a comment on a post Reading in the group
General Discussion: 5 years ago
Within the first two pages of her essay, Ms. Hayles discusses how “the NEA chairman, Dana Gioia, suggests that the correlation between decreased literacy reading and poorer reading ability is indeed a causal c […]
Caroline Crimmins left a comment on a post Where I Lived, And What I Lived For 1-12 in the group
General Discussion: 5 years ago
This passage truly shows how incredibly focused people are on possessions and tangible items. Today, people are absolutely obsessed with getting the latest technology. Throeau writes how much he has gained from […]
Caroline Crimmins left a comment on a post Economy 82-97 in the group
General Discussion: 5 years ago
I found this paragraph extremely interesting and relevant to the world today. Thoreau talks about how man only needs the necessities, but craves and yearns for the luxuries. Today, people in our society are always […]
Caroline Crimmins left a comment on a post Economy 1-14 in the group
General Discussion: 5 years ago
Caroline Crimmins
Paragraph 1: Last semester I took Professor Cooper’s English 368 Connections in Recent Literature: Unplugged and ParaDigitial class and examined the relationship between books and technology. O […] -
Caroline Crimmins left a comment on a post Title Page – 1854 Edition in the group
General Discussion: 5 years ago
Caroline Crimmins
Paragraph 1: Last semester I took Professor Cooper’s English 368 Connections in Recent Literature: Unplugged and ParaDigitial class and examined the relationship between books and technology. O […] -
Caroline Crimmins joined the group
General Discussion 5 years ago
Caroline Crimmins became a registered member 5 years, 1 month ago