Gaetano M. started the topic "Darn-it-how-he-nicks-’em" in the forum
Translating Thoreau 5 years ago
“Just previous to immersion they [the ducks] seemed to give each other a significant nod, and then, as if by common consent, ’twas heels up and head down in the shaking of a duck wing; and when they reappeared, it was amusing to observe with what a self satisfied, darn-it-how-he-nicks-’em air they paddled off to repeat the experiment.” – Journal, O…
Gaetano M. replied to the topic From Ali, Thoreau's translator in Iran in the forum
Translating Thoreau 5 years, 1 month ago
Dear Mr. Taghdarreh,
I don’t think that my personal story is worth any interest, and the same goes for the way I discovered Thoreau, which I think was very ordinary; but beacause you ask I’ll try to answer, being as brief as possible. I read Walden for the first time when I was about 15, unaware of how that book would have accompanied me for the…[Read more] -
Gaetano M. replied to the topic From Ali, Thoreau's translator in Iran in the forum
Translating Thoreau 5 years, 1 month ago
I’ve already done it privately but, being this my first post, I’d like to publicly thank Professor Paul Schacht <a href="http://@digitalthoreau“>@digitalthoreau for having opened this group after my request. I hope it will be a place for translators all over the world to help each other in their effort of conveying Thoreus’s words and ideas into…[Read more]
Gaetano M.'s profile was updated 5 years, 1 month ago
Gaetano M. joined the group
Translating Thoreau 5 years, 1 month ago
Gaetano M. joined the group
General Discussion 5 years, 1 month ago
Gaetano M. became a registered member 5 years, 1 month ago